A Trusted Partner for Cloud Migrations, Development & Testing

Building Innovative AWS, Azure & Snowflake Solutions

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Accelerating Cloud Adoption from Assessment to Development and Support

Empower your team with cloud adoption and provide cutting-edge cloud capabilities today in SaaS (software as a service), PaaS (platform as a service). It’s a question of having hardware and software in minutes and days versus months and years. Your competitors are moving fast to the cloud and creating enough value to their customers and increasing revenues. We can help you do the same on having all the cloud capabilities in your hands with our cloud experts.

Cloud Development and Testing

Cloud Development & Testing

Both AWS and Azure technologies span a number of areas including databases, data warehouses, big data, middleware, frontend, mobile, IoT, IT, Integration, machine learning, AI, Identity, security, compliance and more. Our cloud specialists can help you in each of these technologies using programming languages such as Java, .Net, Python, Node.js, Javascript, PHP, Mobile or Ruby.

Cloud DevOps

Cloud DevOps

DevOps cycles which include planning, coding, integrating, testing, releasing, deploying and operating projects in either AWS or Azure stack is different and you need cloud stack experience and toolset to streamline DevOps cycles in the cloud. We can help you in the Cloud DevOps process with our own intelligent toolset and reduce projects delivery time dramatically to your customers.

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Cloud Migration

Cloud Migrations

We analyze and build a strategy to migrate from your current IT workloads and stack to the right cloud stack. We will deploy those workloads with the right plan and step-by-step process.

Cloud Assessments, Strategy & Planning

Cloud Assessments, Strategy & Planning

We analyze and review your existing environments and recommend a cloud solution with our findings. Our process of assessment, strategy, decision making and, planning methodology is a proven method to adopt right cloud technologies that fit well in your budget. Our Assessment metrics will help you in planning the right cloud technologies adoption.

Cloud Billing Optimization

Cloud Billing Optimization

It’s so easy to start any cloud service but you need to monitor and optimize the cost to make sure that your spending is in line with your budgets. We can help you to monitor the cost and monitor the usage levels and will send you spending reports to optimize unused resources and its cost.

Cloud Security

Cloud Security

Monitor your cloud infrastructure and get alerts when there are security issues. We provide security monitoring, alerting and engagement to make sure that your systems are secure.

24/7 Cloud Monitoring & Support

24/7 Cloud Monitoring & Support

Our dedicated 24/7 support team monitors your complete cloud stack of applications and servers and work with you to apply required upgrades and patches. We ensure your infrastructure availability and recommend improvements in the process and outcomes.

Cloud Consulting

Cloud Consulting

Our Cloud consultants will help you to release projects on time whether your cloud project is a new project or an on-going project. We will make sure that you get the right implementation of the cloud that fits well within your budgets. Get the complete cloud services expertize including assessments, strategy, decision-making, planning, development, testing, migrations, monitoring, support, security and billing optimization. Our process and best practices in the cloud will help you transform into an agile and digital business.